Experience and discover
Experience nature
Animal spotting
Have you been on ‘Wijer’ safari?
Discover the most typical animals of the ‘Wijers'.
Some special species
• Moor frog
• Tree frog
• Natterjack toad
• Garlic toad
• Northern crested newt
• Smooth newt
• Palmate newt
The best chance to spot amphibians is spring time, from March to June, when they go on a trip to the water or sit in the water…
Search in sloping banks of ponds and pools.
In the 'Wijers', you will find 'educational ponds', where you can conduct research either on your own or with a guide. You will find them in the Urban Nature Centre in Kiewit Estate (Hasselt) and the Provincial Nature Centre in Bokrijk (Genk).
Stedelijk Natuurcentrum Kiewit
Putvennestraat 108
Provinciaal Natuurcentrum Bokrijk
Craenevenne 86
Natuur- en sportcentrum Schulensmeer
Demerstraat 60
Some special species
• Carper
• Tench
• Pike
• Three-spined stickleback
• Ten-spined stickleback
• Common bream
• Eel
From the footpath or the pontoons in Kelchterhoef Estate (Houthalen-Helchteren), Schulensmeer (Lummen) and Bovy Estate (Heusden-Zolder), you can sometimes spot fish. Alternatively, you can talk to the anglers and see what they have caught!
Of course, you can have a go at fishing yourself, but you can’t start fishing just like that. You first have to buy a fishing permission. There are also rules about where, how and when you can fish. More information about where you can fish in the 'Wijers' can be found here .
All information can be found on www.natuurenbos.be/visserij
Domein Kelchterhoef
Kelchterhoefstraat z/n
Domein Bovy
Galgeneinde 22
Demerstraat 60
Water bugs
Some special species
• Lesser water boatman
• Common pond skater
• Water beetle
• Water scorpion
• Swan mussel
• Backswimmers
• Common whirligig beetle
The best time to spot them is between March and November.
You will find most bugs in the shallow water between the plants on the banks.
In the 'Wijers', you will find 'educational ponds', where you can conduct research either on your own or with a guide. You will find them in the Urban Nature Centre in Kiewit Estate (Hasselt) and the Provincial Nature Centre in Bokrijk (Genk).
You can spot water bugs from the foot path in Kelchterhoef Estate (Houthalen-Helchteren) and Bovy Estate (Heusden-Zolder) or at Camping ‘Heidestrand’ (Zonhoven).
Stedelijk Natuurcentrum Kiewit
Putvennestraat 108
Provinciaal Natuurcentrum Bokrijk
Craenevenne 86
Domein Kelchterhoef
Kelchterhoefstraat z/n
Domein Bovy
Galgeneinde 22
Camping Heidestrand
Zwanenstraat 105
Natuur- en sportcentrum Schulensmeer
Demerstraat 60
Dragonflies and damselflies
Some special species:
• Emperor dragonfly
• Large white-faced darter
• Common darter
• Red-eyed damselfly
• Spotted darter
• Willow emerald damselfly
• Black-tailed skimmer
• Downy emerald
• Scarlet dragonfly
You can spot them from early May to late October. Choose a warm, sunny day. After all, they take shelter in bad weather.
Dragonflies and damselflies are usually found near fresh water. You are bound to spot them on the banks. All ponds in the ‘Wijers’ are suitable to go on a dragonfly hunt, but the ponds in Kelchterhoef, Bokrijk Estate, Kiewit Estate, Camping ‘Heidestrand’ and Bovy Estate are perfect look-outs.
Stedelijk Natuurcentrum Kiewit
Putvennestraat 108
Provinciaal Natuurcentrum Bokrijk
Craenevenne 86
Domein Kelchterhoef
Kelchterhoefstraat z/n
Domein Bovy
Galgeneinde 22
Camping Heidestrand
Zwanenstraat 105
Reed and bog birds
Some special species:
• Little bittern
• Water rail
• Little egret
• Great egret
• Grey heron
• Eurasian reed warbler
• Bluethroat
• Eurasian bittern
• Bearded reedling
The best time to watch reed and marsh birds is in winter or early spring. Go really early in the morning, when the birds are at their most active. In the migratory period (Sept-Oct), you will see a few rare migrant birds.
Do not disturb the birds in the breeding season (15/03-30/08), when they are especially vulnerable!
With a pair of binoculars, explore the banks and the reeds in ponds.
Go to one of the many bird observation huts or viewing walls, where you can spy on the birds without disturbing them.
Water birds
Some special species:
• Common redshank
• Little ringed plover
• Common sandpiper
• Great crested grebe
• Common greenshank
• Tufted duck
• Green sandpiper
• Black-necked grebe
• Gadwall
• Little grebe
• Northern pintail
You can watch birds all year round. In summer, however, you often spot other birds than in winter. In addition, many water birds change their outfits in winter and wear their 'winter jackets'. The best time of day is mornings, as not so many people are about and the birds are less disturbed.
Do not disturb the birds in the breeding season (15/03-30/08), when they are especially vulnerable!
Water birds are, of course, to be found near water, but don’t just look for them on the water, also check the reeds along the banks.
Go to one of the many bird observation huts or viewing walls, where you can spy on the birds without disturbing them.
The bird observation huts are also indicated on the hiking maps of the ‘Wijers’. More information on www.wandeleninlimburg.be